Monday, June 17, 2024

    Epifaniy meets with representatives of Council of National Communities

    On July 26, 2022, the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine met in the Metropolitan House with representatives of the Council of National Communities of Ukraine.

    His Beatitude Metropolitan Epifaniy accepted the head of the Council of National Communities of Ukraine, Ashot Avanesyan, President of the Ukrainian-Arab Business Council Abu Alrub Emad, President of the Roma Congress of Ukraine Petro Hryhorichenko, Head of the Council of Representatives of Public Associations of Indigenous Peoples and National Minorities of Ukraine under the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine and Head of the German Culture Center Wiederstrahl Liudmyla Kovalenko, President of the Georgian-Ukrainian Culture and Art Center Zurabi Mikava, Deputy Head of the Union of Poles of Ukraine Vadym Pokydko, and Vice-President of the Ukraine-Bulgaria Society Serhii Petkov, the OCU press service reports.

    The guests told His Eminence about the activities of the Council of National Communities of Ukraine and the challenges they are facing.

    The parties also discussed the ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine, the importance of the consolidation of the entire nation in the face of external threats, and the need for the Verkhovna Rada to adopt a draft law on national communities of Ukraine.

    “Ukraine is home to many ethnic groups, so we all have to fight together to expel the aggressor from our land. The enemy sees people as expendables, they only need our territory and our history. In the territories liberated from the occupiers, we actually see manifestations of genocide – this is what they bring onto us. However, I am convinced that the Lord will help, we will overcome this evil,” said Metropolitan Epifaniy.

