Monday, June 17, 2024

    Pope decries ‘barbaric’ attacks in Ukraine, prays for end to war

    At the Angelus address on the Feast of Sts Peter and Paul, Pope Francis decries the bombing of the Kremenchuk shopping center in Ukraine, and prays that God might open the path to dialogue as the war wages on in Ukraine.

    That’s according to Vatican News.

    Pope Francis has appealed for dialogue and an end to the war in “dear and tormented Ukraine, which continues to be scourged by barbaric attacks.”

    After praying the Angelus prayer, Pope Francis made this appeal on the 29 June Feast of Saints Peter and Paul.

    “Every day,” the Pope reflected, “I carry in my heart the dear and tormented Ukraine, which continues to be scourged by barbaric attacks, such as the one that struck the Kremenchuk shopping center.”

    At least 18 people were killed on Monday in a direct Russian missile strike against the busy shopping center in Kremenchuk.

    The G7 called the strike a Russian war crime, while Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of directly targeting civilians.

    The Holy Father called for nations to come to the assistance of the Ukrainian people, “who are suffering so much.”

    “I pray that this mad war may soon see an end, and I renew the invitation to persevere, without tiring, in prayer for peace: may the Lord open paths of dialogue that men are unwilling or unable to find!”

