Monday, June 17, 2024

    They protected others from deadly radiation threat, sacrificing own lives – Epifaniy on Chernobyl disaster responders

    On April 26, Ukraine commemorates the victims of the Chernobyl tragedy by joining the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Radiation Accidents and Disasters. We remember the Chernobyl disaster and its devastating consequences for many generations. And once again we pray to the Lord that He saves us from a similar tragedy.

    This was stated by the head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epipfaniy.

    “In honor of the victims of the Chernobyl tragedy, including the responders to the Chernobyl accident (firefighters, military, doctors, builders, etc.), who then had no idea what the real dose of radiation was and what price they would have to pay we thank them and their families for the fact that they then performed a heroic feat for the sake of humanity – at the cost of their own lives and health, protected others from the deadly radiation threat,” said Metropolitan Epifaniy.

    He also called for other lessons to be learned from the Chernobyl tragedy: the consequences of the crimes of the communist regime and the Moscow leadership, negligence and irresponsibility, the consequences of lies and silencing the truth, which led to even more casualties 36 years ago.

    “Save us, Lord, from the irreparable calamity, from the evil and painful plans of Russia and from the possible catastrophic consequences for all mankind,” said the head of the OCU.

    “Unfortunately, the Russian Empire of Evil is now blackmailing the whole world by threatening to use nuclear weapons, by mass extermination of people, which it plans to launch from Ukraine. Already on the first day of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the enemy captured Chernobyl. Ignoring history, safety rules, and performing criminal orders, the Russian military dug trenches in the Red Forest and brought heavy military equipment into Chernobyl, blowing clouds of poisonous dust into the air. It soon brought consequences to them, but did it actually stop them from trying to further ‘play with atom’? Unfortunately not. After all, we continue to hear reports that Russian missiles are flying in critical proximity to nuclear facilities, near other Ukrainian nuclear power plants, threatening another catastrophe,” said Metropolitan Epifaniy.

