Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Russia fires record 70 missiles on Ukraine simultaneously, while only 8 hit targets

    On March 26, the Russian forces fired 70 missiles on the Ukrainian targets, setting a record of a simultaneous launch.

    The Insider issued the relevant report on Sunday.

    “On March 26, Russia fired a record number of missiles on Ukraine,” The Insider wrote, citing its sources.

    Fifty-two missiles were fired by warships of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, from the waters off the coast of Sevastopol, Crimea. Another 18 missiles were launched from Belarus.

    The price of missiles launched as regards production costs stands at $340 million.

    The maritime component of the strike cost Russia up to half a billion dollars, taking into account the logistics.

    At the same time, Ukraine’s air defense is believed to have shot down 62 of the 70 missiles fired on Ukraine, which also sets a daily record.

    Only eight Russian missiles hit their targets.

    Some of the missiles were targeting sites located near the border with Poland, the country where U.S. President Biden was visiting that day.

