Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Putin, Patriarch Kirill don’t see “Russian Evil Empire” without Ukraine – Epifaniy

    Without Ukraine, the Kremlin does not see its own future. Without Ukraine, they don’t see a revived “Russian Evil Empire.”

    That’s according to the Head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epifaniy, who spoke with Radio Svoboda.

    “We celebrated 30 years of restoration (I always emphasize that it was precisely a ‘restoration’) of our state independence. And we will fully restore our territorial integrity, despite all threats and saber-rattling at our borders. We are strong, we have the support of the European countries and the United States. And this annoys our neighbor. Because if we fight together alongside the whole civilized world, if we’re supported, then we will win. This annoys them, too. See, without Ukraine, they don’t see their future. They do not see the restored ‘Russian Evil Empire,’” said Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine.

