Sunday, June 2, 2024

    UGCC parishioners working to restore flood-stricken church in Belgium’s Liège

    The parish of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Liège has scrambled to restore the church building damaged by recent floods.

    That’s according to Ukrinform referring to the UGCC Liege Eparchy official, Father Mykhailo Shevtsov.

    According to the latter, during the natural disaster, the flooding level in the temple reached some 1.7 meters.

    “May the Merciful Lord reward all those who responded and came to the rescue. We are a great and united Church without boundaries!” Father Mykhailo wrote on Facebook.

    Heavy downpours in several European countries, including Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, France, and Austria, have caused severe floods that have claimed dozens of lives and led to significant property damage.

