
    Spiritual Front of Ukraine once again subjected to massive cyber-attack

    Dear readers,

    Due to our pro-Ukrainian stance, the website of the Spiritual Front of Ukraine has been subjected to massive attacks for several days in a row.

    Extensive cyber-attacks on SFU resources may yield some materials unavailable or some images displayed incorrectly. Our servers are facing tens of thousands of “slow requests.” In this way, pro-Russian forces seek to silence us and thwart people’s access to the truth and objective coverage of the developments in the country’s religious life and beyond.

    We assume that the purpose of this DDoS attack may be related to yet another psy-op run by enemy forces.

    we are convinced that hackers won’t have enough strength, time or money to hinder our work for the sake of Ukraine and Ukrainians.

    We hold our ground!

    Everything will be Ukraine!

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