
    Two OCU priests among Ukraine’s TOP 100 bloggers

    Two priests of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Oleksiy Filyuk from Ternopil region and Oleksandr Dedyukhin from Poltava region, were included in the rating of Ukraine’s 100 best bloggers, according to ICTV.

    The outlet says Oleksiy Filyuk shares with his subscribers some moments of his everyday life, from timt to time broadcasting video blogs on religious topics.

    “Happiness is not something ready-made that can be easily found or bought. Happiness is in our mind. It is the result of our actions and living with God. Do not be lazy to be happy, catch the moments, enjoy the work you do with your hands, take great photos, love your loved ones, and forgive those who have done you harm,” says the priest.

    Priest Oleksandr Dedyukhin, in addition to topics related to the church and sacred rites, touches in his posts on other topical issues of today.

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